Operating Systems

How To Recover Permanently Deleted Files In Windows 10

Recover Permanently Deleted Files In Windows 10

There is one thing that we all have done in our lives and even knowing the fact that it was a mistake, we will keep repeating that mistake in the future. So before you start having any funny ideas, let me clarify that we are talking about deleting data from your system.

Most of us tend to use SHIFT + DEL as we do not want the residue of the files and folder in our system. However, sometimes this practice can backfire when you accidentally delete some of your most sensitive data.

When that happens, you will not find the lost data in the recycle bin. Instead, you would need the help of these methods to make things happen in your favor. 

This article will discuss different ways to recover your permanently deleted data from Windows 10. However, before moving forward with the permanently deleted data recovery, you must stop using the drive.

Methods To Recover Permanently Deleted Data From Windows 10

After going through an exclusive research process, we have finally found some practical ways to recover permanently deleted data. 

Method 1: Using Data Backups

Data backups are the best way to secure your data. It is one of the most effective ways to restore permanently lost data without any hassle. Data backup is the process of copying your original data to a different location. So, when your original data is lost, you can simply use this data to replace the original data.

However, this method has one downside; you need to consistently backup your data. And the amount of data that you can back up after the data loss event is to their last data backup.

If you want to restore data from the backups, follow the steps given below.

  • Open the startup menu.
  • Go to the control panel.
  • Navigate to update security.
  • Select backup & restore.
  • Now click on restore my files.
  • This process will take some time, but eventually, you will be able to receive your lost data.  

You can recover the permanently deleted files in Windows 10 to make the correct choices to make the correct application of this tool. Data backups can make your life easier later when you can recover permanently deleted files in Windows 10. 

Method 2: Using The Previous Version

Every windows operating system saves its previous version data for some time. You can use this method to restore permanently lost data. This method is based on a file history feature. For recovering permanently deleted files in Windows 10 you can follow the above methods. 

Follow the steps to recover data from the previous version.

  • Locate the folder from where the data has been lost permanently.
  • Right-click the folder.
  • Select the Restore To the Previous Version.

This method is effective and easy to execute. However, you need to ensure that you select a different location to recover the lost data from the previous version. This action is crucial and prevents you from overwriting the existing data. For recovering the permanently deleted files in Windows 10 you can follow the above method. The proper application of the previous version can help you to achieve your objectives. 

Method 3: Using File Recovery Tools

Using software tools to recover permanently deleted data has become a norm. Most people found using software tools easier than other methods. For this method, we would like you to use iBoysoft data recovery software.

Although there are other software tools in the market, we prefer this tool for its ease of use and versatility. iBoysoft data recovery software allows the user with filter features that helps accurately find the relic and data to the receiver. Recover Permanently Deleted Files In Windows 10 will make your life easier. 

Follow the steps to receiver data using iBoysoft data recovery software.

  • Download iBoysoft software.
  • Install it in the system.
  • Select the drive in question.
  • Initiate the recovery process.
  • Preview the data.
  • Select the ones you want to recover.
  • Finally, click Recover.


As you can see, even the permanently deleted files are not lost completely. So, even if you SHIFT DEL anything, you can recover the lost data without any issue if you can follow up with the right action.

So, the next time when someone asks about recovering permanently deleted data, you can point them towards this article. Or simply recommend them iBoysoft Data recovery software. It will help you to achieve your objectives in a proper way to achieve your objectives in a better way. 

FAQ( Frequently Asked Questions) 

1. Can You Recover Permanently Deleted Files From Windows? 

First, you recover the deleted files from the tool then you after that you need to recover the deleted files and the folders. After that you need to select the recycle bin then you need to click on the scan button for finding the deleted files in the Windows 10. 

2. Where Do Permanently Deleted Files Go? 

Your permanently deleted file will go to the recycle bin. Once you make the right click on the file you need to select the delete option the system will end up there. You can recover permanently deleted files in Windows 10 by this procedure. 

3. Are Deleted Files Permanently Deleted? 

When you delete a file it is not permanently deleted. It will remain in your hard drive even after it is really erased. It remained in the hard drive even after you emptied it in the recycle bin. It will allow you to recover the files you have deleted. 

4. Can System Restore Recover The Deleted Files? 

Windows includes an automatic backup feature known as a system restore. If you have deleted any windows file system or the programs then the system restore will help it. It will not allow you to recover the backup files such as the emails, documents, and photos. 

Additional Reading:

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