
Here A List Of Layoffs From the Tech Industry In 2023

Layoffs From the Tech Industry

2023 saw a major spree of layoffs in the technology sector with major companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Meta having major layoffs. Previous year similar layoffs were seen but it seems to getting worse this year with 50% increase in layoffs this year.

In the tech industry a record number of 240,000 employees lost their jobs this year that’s nearly a quarter million people. Tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, Yahoo and Zoom laid off in masses in bid to reduce their workforce to half.

Similarly in the startup sector many companies shutdown while others announced cutbacks on workforce due to various reasons including funding problems. Economists have cautioned people about against recession as the momentum in tech industry is yet to rebound as more layoffs are seen.

As tech companies continues to cut back on their workforce, keeping a track on these layoffs can help us understand the pressures companies are facing, impact on innovation, and what companies are available for hiring at present. So here are all the layoffs in the tech sector in 2023. As of today in the tech sector there has been 224,503 layoffs according to This number exceeds the number of layoffs in 2022 as per the data tracker.

  1. In January of this year 86,000 employees were laid off  from major companies. These companies are PayPal, NetApp, Groupon, SoFi Technologies, Arrival, Impossible Foods, Spotify, Waymo, Alphabet, Sophos, Swiggy, Fandom, Microsoft, Clearco, GoMechanic, ShareChat, Greenlight, SmartNews, Intrinsic, DirectTV, Career Karma, Amazon, Salesforce, Vimeo, SuperRare, Coinbase, Citizen, Carta, and Informatica.
  2. In February, 40,021 employees got laid off.
  3. In March, 37,823 employees got laid off.
  4. 20,014 employees got laid off in April.
  5. 14,928 people got laid off in the tech sector in May.
  6. In June, 10,958 employees got laid off.
  7. In July, 10,589 employees lost their jobs in the tech sector.
  8. 9, 545 people got laid off in the tech sector in August.
  9. September saw the lowest layoffs with 4,632 employees losing their job in this sector.
  10. In October, 7,331 employees got laid off.

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