
What Is The VSCO Search? What Is The Story Behind It?

What Is The VSCO Search What Is The Story Behind It

Instagram and Facebook have been around for quite some time – enough to make people get bored of them. Therefore, if you are bored of Meta social media, then you can swap to VSCO Search.

VSCO is an image-sharing platform very similar to Instagram. Just like Instagram, this website has become popular amongst teens and kids. However, is this platform better than others? Keep on reading to find out!

What Is VSCO Search
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The widely used smartphone picture editing app where you can share your pictures with others. VSCO has various editing tools and photo filters, similar to other social media sites like Instagram.

Users have the option of using the app’s free version or purchasing a premium subscription. Users of the free version have access to basic editing tools and a limited number of filters, while subscribers to the premium version have access to more sophisticated editing tools, more filters, and photography courses and advice.

There isn’t as much social engagement as there is on many other social media platforms. Users are unable to like or comment on postings, and follower data are not made available to the public. However, when someone “favourites” or adds a user’s photograph to a “Collection,” the user is privately alerted.

As long as both users are following one another, VSCO’s direct messaging tool enables users to exchange text or share picture links with other users.

Every VSCO profile is open to the public, and all uploaded photographs on the app come with the location information by default. On a user’s profile, under Privacy Settings, this may be turned off.

How Does VSCO Search Work?

VSCO is comparable to other photo-sharing applications like Instagram. Members may snap photographs with the built-in camera and post them instantly from their phone’s camera roll to the app.

Users may post their photos straight from VSCO to other platforms and applications, such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and WhatsApp, as well as to the app’s feed.

The software divides user photographs into Studio, Images, Collection, and Journal areas. Persons of VSCO may browse material from individuals they follow or search for content and users they might be interested in using the Feed and Discover features.

1. VSCO Studio

VSCO Studio
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VSCO Studio is pretty similar to Instagram Editor. This studio and photo editor allows you to edit your photo and videos after importing them into the app. However, unlike Instagram, VSCO Search has no direct photo and video capturing tool.

2. VSCO Images & Collections

VSCO Images & Collections

Like Instagram Archives, VSCO Search has its own collection feature, simply titled Collections. Here, you can view all of your published posts and even remove them from your collection if you wish to. Removing them prevents other users from seeing these posts as well.

3. VSCO Journal

VSCO Journal

VSCO Journal is an exclusive feature that’s only available on iPhones. This feature allows you to create semi-blog posts similar to a normal Instgram post. This is the only method by which you can add extra text and captions to your picture posts.

4. VSCO Discover Feed

VSCO Discover Feed

VSCO Search Discover feed is the same as the Search feed on Instagram. This is the place where you can see content posted by other members that you follow.

VSCO VS Instagram – Which Is Better?

VSCO VS Instagram - Which Is Better

VSCO and Instagram have a layout and functional design that is extremely similar. The little social engagement on VCSO is one of the primary differences. Users are unable to comment on postings, and statistics like a user’s following count are hidden from the public. VSCO has no “Story” option. However, iOS users may create a “Journal” to post more in-depth text and image-based material.

Members can like the photographs of other users, but because only that person is alerted, the activity remains secret.

Why Should You Not Use VSCO?

Why Should You Not Use VSCO
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Many experts deem VSCO Search to be unsafe for children. Therefore, 

  • Everyone can access a user’s material since VSCO Search profiles are public. Users cannot choose to switch to a private profile on the app.
  • There is a chance of coming across offensive content, just as on any site that hosts user-generated content.
  • Any photographs published to the VSCO Search feed will reveal a user’s location information because location data is enabled by default. The user’s privacy settings offer the option to disable this.
  • Users must be at least 13 years old to use VSCO Search. Users simply need to provide an email address to establish an account, which can be easily gotten around.
  • Since VSCO Search has two versions – a free version and a paid version, the free version has pretty limited features. Therefore, users are automatically tempted to upgrade their accounts and get the premium version of VSCO.
How To Block And Report Users In VSCO Search
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Blocking users in VSCO Search is one of the best things you can do to ward off unwanted attention. In addition, many users can send you pictures that you do not wish to see. Therefore, blocking these users is a good way to keep your feed and inbox safe. Also, if users share offensive content with you and steal your pictures, learn how to report it on VSCO search

How To Block Users In VSCO Search

By blocking a person on VSCO, you prevent them from messaging you, following you, favoriting your photos, or sharing your material with their Collection. The viewer may still read your profile and your photographs despite the fact that this prevents them from interacting with your material.

How To Report Users In VSCO Search

The platform’s Community Guidelines can be broken by users reporting other accounts and photographs that include offensive material. Here, the user’s profile page or the image can be used to access this Reporting feature.

Reviews Of VSCO  

Here are some reviews on VSCO. Users of this platform share their views about the platform, read what they have to say.

  1. Emilcia Munguia says, “My go-to photo editor for the Instagram feed of my page.”
  2. Andrew Lee II says, “Used to make very nice and beautiful presets in the beginning. Package-1 still the best imo. However the latest packs not on par with all the respect.”
  3. Noobmaster69 comments, “yo man this app is crazy. the moment i opened the app, 7 scrunchies appeared in my hair and idk how. before i knew it my hair was in a messy bun and you couldn’t see my shorts anymore. super AESTHETIC. sksksksksksksks. me and my friends are gonna turn that back alleyway where smelly jimmy lives into a vsco hangout. super excited!!!! i give it a sksks out of and i oop.”
  4. L. Pereira says, “New video feature + HSL tool is amazing and great fun! All we need now is Curves adjustment!”
  5. Shannon says, “Love vsco only problem is it’s so hard to find people u need there exact name.”
  6. Fiona O’ Connor says, “This app is AMAZING. It was so hard to find a photo editing app that was easy to use. VSCO has so many features that you can use to edit your photos and even share with your friends!’
  7. Enak Tanoy comments, “Still some of the best balanced tools around. It’s a great loss that they’ve discontinued their Lightroom presets. But I will keep mine as long as I can.”
  8. Lena P. thinks VSCO has “Horrendous Customer service.” She adds, “I got notified that someone tried to log in to my account on VSCO. Upon checking I saw that my account seemed to have been wiped. Because I hadn’t used VSCO in years I contacted customer support to ask them to check for other accounts and then delete them. The representative “Theodore” (yes, I’m calling them out) made me go back and forth for 4 weeks, asking me the same questions over and over again, and generally not cooperating, only to tell me I should just go and delete the account myself. So now I still don’t know who could be using my name or account or other details and have no way of finding out.”

Joanne says, “I paid for the Premium version for a year. In my account is says that I’m subscribed until August 2020, however when I try to edit an image it ALWAYS ask me to upgrade my subscription and when I do it, it tells me that will be effective after my current subscription expires. The end of the story is that I CAN’T USE THE PREMIUM FEATURES even though I’m Premium. I tried to contact the support several times and they always redirect me to one article that doesn’t help AT ALL!”

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):-

VSCO Search users have various queries on their minds, which I have answered below:

Q1. Is VSCO Safer Than Instagram?

Ans: Yes, but only between users who are following each other back. Compared to Instagram, where anybody can DM anyone else, even if they have a private account, this is different and safer.

Q2. Can You See Who Looks At Your VSCO Posts?

Ans: Sadly, a user can’t see who has seen their VSCO profile or images. People can only accumulate their favorite photographs right now. However, VSCO will provide you with a special opportunity to discover the social sphere.

Q3. Why Are Kids Using VSCO?

Ans: Teenagers frequently use VSCO to share their risky images because fewer parents are aware of it (sorry, parents). These can include selfies taken while wearing indecent clothing, photos of alcohol bottles, and photos of vape pens.


VSCO Search has become pretty popular now amongst teenagers because of how unheard of it is. Since teenagers now like to engage in frisk behavior, they cannot do so with Instagram booming so much. Instagram’s sudden popularity and the influx of millions of users have made it safer overall. However, VSCO still retains that fun and engaging vibe that makes it mote interesting for teenagers and young adults to post on this platform.

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