
What Model Represents The Hierarchical Structure Of A Google Analytics Account?

What Model Represents The Hierarchical Structure Of A Google Analytics Account

Using a Google Analytics account has become a necessity in 2022 due to its various features and functions. With the rise of digital media post-2020, it’s necessary for businesses to check the performance of their websites. It’s a given, considering that every business wants to know what marketing aspects are working and what is not.

Since many users of various hierarchical positions will need access to the Google Analytics account of the company, various sensitive data can leak this way. This is why you must learn what model represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account. To do so, simply continue reading. 

What Is The Hierarchical Structure Of A Google Analytics Account?

What Is The Hierarchical Structure Of A Google Analytics Account

As the name suggests, the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account defines the several layers according to which your Google Analytics account is broken down.

It is important for the SEO departments of your organization to understand the hierarchical structure of Google Analytics. This is because the Google Analytics reports generated contain information on a lot of the performing factors that run your websites. Not everyone in the company can have access to such information.

Therefore, Google Analytics allows organizations to restrict and permit what the account users can see. For example, some users can have access to data related to user sessions and bounce rates. Also, some employees will have access to data related to top keyword searches and traffic sources of the website.

What Model Represents The Hierarchical Structure Of A Google Analytics Account?

What Model Represents The Hierarchical Structure Of A Google Analytics Account-

If you need to understand what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account, then it’s a pyramid.

A pyramid structure best represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account. In this structure, the topmost data in Google Analytics has the data of the Organization. This is followed by data related to all the Products used by the firm and its users. 

In third place comes the Properties of the firm, which details what websites and applications are analyzed by Google Analytics. At the fourth spot comes Views, which basically represents portions of your Google Analytics report segregated by dimensions.

What Is Included In The Hierarchical Structure Of Your Google Analytics Account?

If you wish to know what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account, read this section. Now, I will explain what pages and dimensions define the hierarchical structure of Google Analytics.

1. Organization


In the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account, the organization refers to the various products used by the firm. It also refers to the users of the Google Analytics account, which is typically used by the SEO team.

Here, products refer to the various functionalities of Google Analytics, like Report Generator, Website Optimizer, and Tags Manager. Here, you will find the list of all products of Google Analytics used by the firm. It also includes a list of all users of these products.

2. Account


In the account section of the hierarchical structure of your Google Analytics account, access to all your accounts are provided. This is very useful for all the Google Analytics users of the firm. You can use your accounts in a one-to-one relationship or a one-to-many relationship.

3. Properties


Properties refer to your assets that will be tracked by Google Analytics. They refer to the main websites and applications that you have, which are analyzed using Google Analytics.

When you open a  Google Analytics account, you will be presented with the choice to name all your properties. This includes inputting the URL of the websites, along with your applications (tracked by a unique tracking code). It is the function of Google Analytics to monitor and collect data from your properties.



In Google Analytics, views refer to the access point that is used by the Google Analytics report generator. Therefore, views refer to the various dimensions whose reports and metrics can be seen by the users of a property. 

Some common examples of views are:

  • Seeing all the data for your website.
  • Tracking only the AdWords data of your website.
  • Monitoring the traffic of specific subdomains and web pages on your website.

All the views of properties in your Google Analytics accounts have various filters. Therefore, when you first create your Google Analytics account, you can set the filters of the views. This means if you only want to see the data related to users’ sessions, then you can see data regarding only them on your reports.

5. Users And Permissions

Users And Permissions

Since Google Analytics will be used by various employees of the business, you can set up permissions for users. Some users on a higher hierarchical level will have more permissions and access to various properties and views. Conversely, the opposite is also true, where junior employees will have limited access.

You can restrict the access the users have regarding certain specific products and views. This is one of the primary reasons to understand what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account. 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

The most asked questions regarding what model represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account on the internet are:

Q1. What Is The Hierarchy Of A Google Analytics Data Model?

Ans – Google Analytics follows a specific system of hierarchy that is presented in its data model. This hierarchy is represented as User Visits > Session (Visits) > Impressions and Hits.

Q2. What Represents Hierarchical Structure?

Ans – If you look at the Google Analytics report, then you will see that the hierarchical structure is represented by a shape. If you look closely, then this hierarchical structure is represented by a pyramid shape.

Q3. What Is A Metric In Google Analytics?

Ans – Metrics in Google Analytics refer to the numerical measurement of various dimensions in Google Analytics. Dimensions include various categorizations of user interactions and traffic sources of your website, like user sessions and bounce rates. Metrics are simply the numerical explanation of these metrics. For example, the bounce rate of your page is 32%.

Q4. How Do I Organize My Google Analytics Account?

Ans – If you run a business, then you can create multiple Google Analytics accounts. However, doing so might get tricky since it can lead to problems managing them all. Therefore, it can be a great idea to learn how to manage your Google Analytics accounts. To do so, you should start by:

• At the bottom of the Google Analytics account, you will find the Cog icon, which you should click to open the Admins page. 
• Here, you will find an option called “+ Create Account.” Click on it.
• Configure the settings of your Google Analytics account and click on Done at the end.


There are various layers as to what model represents the hierarchical structure of a google analytics account. These layers are – Organization > Account > Properties > Views > User and Permissions. 

It is essential to know how a business should use Google Analytics and what responsibilities a team member needs to bear. I hope you learned the hierarchical structure of a Google analytics account.


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Debamalya Mukherjee
Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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